About Us
Our strength is our community, our commitment to collaboration, and our shared belief that we can improve the lives of those impacted by epilepsy – by working together. We are people living with epilepsy, caregiver, advocates and policy makers. Together, we will win a National Plan for all people affected by epilepsy –because together we are inevitable.
The National Plan for the Epilepsies relies on the active engagement of persons living with, their caregivers, health care providers, researchers, and advocates. It is driven by and for the broad and diverse epilepsies community.
Our advocates are focused on educating Members of Congress on the urgent need for increased federal funding for the epilepsies.
All stakeholders are asked to share their personal journeys and connections to epilepsy to persuade their Senators and Representatives to join the House and Senate Epilepsy Caucuses. For more information and to join our advocacy efforts, contact Katie Collins.
Simultaneously, epilepsy experts are joining work groups to identify and prioritize strategies to improve outcomes for people with epilepsy.
These strategies include timely diagnosis and comprehensive care, minimizing barriers of SDOH, reducing mortality/morbidity/disability; advancing research; increasing awareness of the epilepsies and first aid, and addressing stigma and discrimination. We need your expertise too. For more information and to lend your expertise, contact Johanna Gray.